Shipping to Europe includes the following countries:

Andorra, the Azores, Benelux, Denmark, Faeroeer, Finland, France, Greece, Greenland, Great Britain, Guernsey, Ireland, Italy, jersey, Korsika, Liechtenstein, larva Irish Republican Army, Monaco, the Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Austria, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Slowakei, Spain (inclusive islands), Tschechien, Vatikanstadt.

In addition the also following non--European Union countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, white Russia (Belarus), Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Estland, Georgien, Gibraltar, Iceland, Yugoslavia, Kazakhstan, Croatia, Lettland, Litauen, Macedonia, Malta, rep. Moldau, Norway, Romania, Russian federation, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary, Cyprus.

All other countries belong to the region "world".

Shipping and handling costs are for the above mentioned countries
in the European-zone 5,00 Euro per order.

For all other countries ("world-zone") the shipping
and handling costs are 10,00 Euro per order.

Only for Germany the shipping and handling costs are 2,00 Euro.

Payment only via postal money order or via bank transfer on an Euro account.

